Nine months ago as I left Auckland on this big adventure, one year sounded like an awful long time.
I mean, in one year some friends have babies, some get engaged, some get married, some leave old jobs and start new ones, one leaves a new job and goes back to an old one... a lot can happen in a year.
In one year I learn to eat/cook/speak/shop/travel/live Tanzanian style, I meet a whole new group of amazing people, I learn the ins and outs of a new education system, I learn to teach others this education system... a lot can happen in a year.

But, I have also made the discovery that this time around, one year is just not enough. Its not enough to see our student teachers become teachers, its not enough to get to know people deeply, its not enough to learn Swahili well, its not enough to learn to really appreciate all that is Africa. One year is just not enough.
So, I have made a decision to extend my time in Tanzania. I'll be home in NZ for 6 weeks in July (for the wedding of my beautiful friends Kirstie and Dan) then I'm coming back to see just how long 'enough' turns out to be. At the moment that will be at least another 6 months and then...
...well then Mungu anajua (God knows).
For all those who pray...please continue to pray, for our students, for TJF, for provision so that I can stay here as long as needed, and for God's help and wisdom in this job.
For those who write...please continue to write! To hear from you means the world to me.
x Jo