Friday, March 16, 2012
Back to colder shores...
Firstly, I am a terrible blogger. I haven't kept up with this nearly as much as I'd like to. I'd like to be able to transport everyone over here to Tanzania so you can get a glimpse of the richness of life over here. Sometimes I feel like words couldn't do it justice.
Secondly, I'm going to be moving back to New Zealand at the end of May, in just under 2 months now.
Thirdly, I won't be settling back in Auckland this time, but will be making the shift down South to Christchurch. I've never lived in Christchurch but with people down there that I need to spend some long-overdue quality time with, I feel that it's the right time to make the shift.
So it is with very mixed feelings that I'm starting the process of making the shift back. Its not just a physical shift but a mind and emotional shift too. I've discovered that even though I'm not a highly structured person, I very much need to plan the next step in order to make a smooth transition from one place to another. For this reason, I've already spent at least a couple of months researching jobs, looking for a car to buy, house to rent etc...all things which are logically much better left until closer to the time, but which make me feel like I'm doing something to help along the transition process. Does it mean I have a job, car or flat yet? Not at all, but at least I feel like I'm doing something!
To say I'm going to miss Tanzania is an understatement. I love this place more than I ever imagined I would. Every morning these days when I sit on my stairs with my coffee I am so thankful for being here. It's the peacefulness of the dawn, and the way that solitude and noise mix together. Its the dirt road with all of the people just doing life. Hard to explain and even harder to leave behind. How do I explain how at home I feel here? How do I explain what it's like to wake up and know that this is 100% where God wants me to be except to say that being here in Tanzania reminds me everyday of the grace of God. I can do nothing but give Him glory for the way He brings things together.
I am encouraged though that it is not a place itself that makes it the right place to be. If God has called me to Tanzania and has shown Himself faithful here, and He has time and time again, then surely the same will be true in Christchurch. Can I feel just at home in a freezing cold Christchurch winter as in this endless summer over here? I'm sure of it. Though it may require a few more clothes.
Anyway, enough forward planning for now. I still have two months here and I plan to make the most of it! Corinne and I are heading off for some road tripping on buses in the next week or so- yet to decide exactly where we'll go but I figure that while I'm here I really should see a bit more a the country. As well as that, my very good friends Dan and Kirstie are coming over at the end of April so I get to spend my last month sharing Tz with them! They're going to be doing some working in the Joshua Schools here, especially down in Magugu and I can't wait to have them here.
That's all for now...more later.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Four of our student teachers are now in Mairowa for their final 3 month teaching practice and then will return there after exams to teach for 3 years. They are all sponsored through teachers college by the organisation that runs the school, Imara Ministries. When we visited them last week they shared with us some of the challenges of getting to know a new place, especially one as remote as this. One of their biggest challenges is that that the students they are teaching hardly know Kiswahili, let alone English. Most of the children and their parents speak Kimaa (The Maasai language) at home and
Another Mairowa 'challenge' is the lack of phone reception. To be honest, it still blows me away that out here in the middle of nowhere there is even any phone reception, but given the number of people who use cell phones in Tanzania, I guess there has to be. We quite enjoyed our 40 minute walk each afternoon up the hill to search for those little reception bars that connect you to the outside world. Its very hard to get lost on these walks when any person passing by will happily point you back to the only guest house in town, though we did manage to find ourselves stuck in a field of beans, surrounded by think thorn bushes put there as a fence. Some children sitting under a nearby tree had a great laugh watching us jump the thorns to get out. Our best reception spot is right next to a thorn bush just by the 2nd Maasai boma. It makes for very public but picturesque phone calls.
At night, I saw the most stars I have ever seen in my life. It literally took my breath away every night. Every constellation is accentuated when there's no electricity. The darkness always just makes the light seem so much brighter. I'm sure that's a good parable for life right there.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
A life less mediocre
In only three weeks our year long stint at Keranse School will be over- actually a year and three months, though I have to say time has absolutely flown. In November our student teachers will all move from their respective training schools to Arusha for a month. They’ll live on base at The Joshua Foundation and study for their end of year exams. Then next year they’re on to new and exciting places and adventures for their final three month block practice, government final exams in May, then life as the newest Tanzanian teacher graduates. Us mentors will continue to be in schools every other week for that teaching practice, but will rotate through the six different schools rather than the one we’ve been in. It feels a little like the end of a long uphill battle to get our students through the challenging theory and practice part of their course, but the view from the top is worth it. This week especially I have been so encouraged by what I’ve seen them achieving in the classroom. I’ve seen dramatisation, science experiments, composing songs, cooperation games, cooking classes, field trips to the local market and countless other excellent teaching strategies, always made doubly impressive by the minimal resources available and less-than-seamless syllabus they have to work within.
Us mentors often find ourselves reminding our student teachers as they work through their course that it is God who gives us wisdom. But when I stop to listen to what I tell my students I have to confess I often forget this very thing myself. Over the last year and a half I have constantly been pushed out of my comfort zone, teaching an unfamiliar syllabus in an unfamiliar country to people with very different upbringings to my own. So many times I have found myself completely at the end of my own abilities and crying out to God to give me wisdom. I think that’s exactly where God wants me to be- at the end of my abilities and crying out for his! I pray and hope that I’ll never fall into the trap of being too satisfied in my own abilities. I think that sitting still in that place is really not so different from moving backwards. What a waste when I serve a God who so willingly pushes us out of our comfort zone and then shocks us by staying right there and walking with us.
I know at least 6 young Tanzanian men who are at the start of that journey and who are going to make a huge difference in the years to come as teachers. They have chosen not to settle for the status quo and I have to say that I’m inspired to do the same. So here’s to a lack of comfort zones and a life less mediocre.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Mama's Kitchen
Monday, May 16, 2011
Searching for God knows what
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Shamba life
This whole year has been full of new experiences and adventures. Last week was no exception. I had the chance to head out to a friend's family's shamba (farm) in Kilindi district. It was a 14 hour trip to get there on 4 buses but surprisingly, we arrived feeling quite relaxed. I think it must've been the soothing bumps on the road.